Cameron Ediger
A web-based document management system that integrates with ConnectWise for technicians and customers. The document management system uses the ConnectWise API to collect configurations and display them in a manner that technicians and customers can access and edit quickly. Additionally, I created a command line utility to automate on-boarding, mass maintenance, and data collection using Web API created for the document management system.
Technologies:ASP.NET WebForms, C# Web API, Javascript, JQuery, JQuery Templates, Microsoft SQL Server 2008R2, IIS, ConnectWise, C3JS chart library.
A scoring checklist/forms application to grade and enforce various in-house procedures. The application allows users to create, copy, and version forms to be used by field technicians and account managers.
Technologies:ASP.NET, MVC, C#, Razor, Javascript, JQuery, Entity Framework, SQL Server 2014, C3JS chart library.
An Enterprise Call Recording system to record voice and screens in medium to large call centers throughout the United States. Integrated with various phone systems using a Computer Telephony Interface (CTI) link. Supported CTI links included Avaya Computer Telephony/AES, Cisco TAPI, NEC OAI, Nortel Meridian Link Services, Mitel MiTAI, CT Connect, and Mitel 5000/Intertel OAI.
Technologies:C/C++, C#, SQL Server 2008R2, Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ), WinPCAP, Intel Dialogic and AudioCodes analog/digital voice boards.
A Web Chat application for in-house Microsoft Lync 2010 system that allows customers to chat with an available technician. This application uses Microsoft Unified Communications Managed API (UCMA) 3.0 to create an instant message conversation with a technician using the Lync client software on their desktop.
Technologies:ASP.NET, MVC, C#, Linq/Entity Framework, Javascript, JQuery, Microsoft Unified Communications Managed API (UCMA) 3.0, WCF.